What To Do After Your Child Has Been Injured In A Car Accident?

Car accidents are traumatic and can injure a victim physically as well as mentally. Moreover, a small child getting injured in a car crash can be more traumatic than adults being injured. Some car accidents may be fatal, and dealing with the emotional trauma after the death of a loved one is traumatizing.
If you and your child were recently involved in an accident, a car crash attorney Fort Wayne could help you file a claim and guide you on how to proceed legally. Getting legal help is beneficial as they have sufficient experience and knowledge to tackle the complex nature of law. Moreover, car crash lawyers have been dealing with such cases for a very long time, so they are well aware of the requirements and necessities to file a claim.
Steps to take after encountering a car accident that has injured your child.
Child injuries are different from adult injuries, as a child is not allowed to file a claim until they turn 18. Moreover, they are allowed to file a claim up to two years after being 18 years old. Till then, the parents of the child are responsible for paying for the medical bills and other bills for the injuries sustained by the child.
After encountering a car accident with your child, you may consider the following steps:
- Look out for injuries to your child and others.
A car crash may result in minor to major injuries. This makes it essential for a victim to look out for severe injuries requiring immediate medical attention.
- Get medical assistance.
If a victim is not severely injured, they can get to a hospital on their own, or if severely damaged, they should ask someone around to get them medical assistance.
- Collect information of the negligent driver eyewitnesses and get in touch with the police.
A police officer will make a legal report explaining what happened at the scene and who is possibly responsible for the crash. Moreover, having eyewitnesses strengthens the argument of a victim.
- Report the accident to your insurance company and do not talk with the negligent driver’s insurance company.
Your insurance company must be informed after the accident to avoid issues with compensation later. Moreover, anything you say in front of the negligent party’s insurance company can be used against you.
- Get in touch with a lawyer.
Before passing any statement or accepting the offered settlement, you should contact an experienced child injury attorney. Experienced attorneys know how to negotiate and understand the complex nature of law. Therefore, they can help you pursue a deserving compensation.