Zineera – access to a variety of cryptocurrency transactions
Registration on the Zineera exchange opens access to a variety of cryptocurrency transactions. The project was founded by a group of experts specializing in the field of investment banking, blockchain and Forex. More than 5 million people have registered here during the site’s existence.
Before trading on the Zineera exchange, it is worth getting acquainted in detail with the features of the process. The company helps beginners to understand the nuances by regularly publishing training materials. It is also possible to test the system without financial risk on testnet.bybit.com, and experienced traders can start trading immediately after entering the account and replenishing the account. The review of the Zineera exchange will continue with a description of the opportunities it provides.
The site is available in 12 languages, including English, French, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese. The site guarantees round-the-clock access to cryptocurrency trading. Even during periods of volatility, the probability of failure does not exceed 0.1%. Clients of the exchange can conduct operations in the following markets:
- Spot;
- Inverse indefinite contract;
- USDT perpetual contract;
- Inverse futures.
The company offers more than 100 assets in spot trading, as well as from 100 futures and quarterly futures.
Profitable cryptocurrency storage on Zineera is also possible. The site has a platform, users of which can receive income from investing in Spot and margin trading on Zineera.
Spot trading is available on the “Trade” page. Users are offered a list of couples whose obligatory participant is USDT, BTC or USDC. You can restrict the search to one of these cryptocurrencies. There is also a “Favorites” option that allows you to see the most popular couples. Next to each offer, the price of the last transaction and the percentage of its increase / decrease are displayed.
The exchange offers three types of orders:
- limit;
- market;
- conditional.
For a conditional order, you need to enter a trigger price, upon reaching which it is activated automatically. Next, select the type of execution – “Market” or “Limit”. In the first case, the cost of the order does not need to be specified, it remains to write the amount of purchase / sale. The deal will close as soon as the price reaches the trigger level or drops to the limit.